Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The Future of Communication Technologies

Next year will mark the first true technological revolution of the decade. Digital media is in the midst of a transformation. Virtual reality is about to change the way all of us see the world. It may well be the most exciting and significant invention to enter the market in 2016.

We started with small black and white screens, and evolved onto coloured tube TVs. From there, the pixel density grew, and picture became clearer and clearer. Then our frame rates became fast enough to allow for 3D viewing. And just recently, we've quadrupled the clarity of 1080p with 4K definition. And if that wasn't enough, we've even developed a way to curve the screen toward the audience to make the viewing experience more immersive. If all that technical jargon is too much to follow, its alright. There is an endgame in sight for humanities obsession with digital media technology. We are about to do away with the big screens, step inside of them instead, and surround ourselves with virtual content.

For too long we have been confined to viewing rectangular screens of various sizes. Though these screens have gotten clearer, sharper, more vibrant, and even three dimensional, we still seem to be on the outside looking in on the digital content we choose to view.We have been patiently waiting for a revolution in digital technology, one that goes beyond processing speed and storage capacity.

Commonly refereed to as "VR", virtual reality will bring with it a paradigm shift in the way we consume digital media. Imagine being able to transport yourself into any scenario of your choosing. You could sit in a living room next to the characters of your favorite sitcom, or dive to the bottom of the ocean with David Attenborough's voice narrating knowledge of coral reefs. There will be endless games and simulators to choose from, for those of us to choose to be more than just passive observers.

Virtual reality, from both the creator and consumer perspective, will be a revolutionary leap in digital media. While the consumers surf the sea of infinite content, they will inevitably come across the mandatory, 15-30 second ads. YouTube is now beginning to offer 360° video content on its servers. With this comes the dawn of the 360° video advertisement.

With all other types of advertisements, the information is placed in front of the target audience, in the hope that they will care enough to pay attention to the message. If you look around, these ads are absolutely everywhere. In your mailbox, in your local news paper, on almost every website, between segments of your favorite TV shows. With so many ads competing for our attention, its no wonder most of us decide to click 'skip' and move onto our YouTube video.

Until now we have been observing media as though peering through a window, disconnected from the world on the other side. As immersed as some of us may get into our favorite films, we are always just an outside observer. Even when we visit a darkened theater, watching an HD, 3D, high fidelity audio, masterpiece of cinematography, we are still simply "watching" a film.

For the first time in history, marketing teams and advertising agencies will be able to place the audience inside of the advertisement. We will no longer be observers, deciding whether or not we want to bring that information into our world. We will be in the world.

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